Monday, August 8, 2011

The Back Door of Midnight by Elizabeth Chandler

The Back Door of Midnight
Elizabeth Chandler
Simon Pulse

Sixteen-year-old Anna is going to visit her uncle Will to discuss family matters over the summer. When she arrives she is shocked to find out that her uncle died in a murder, and her physic aunt is living alone with her and all of the little voices inside her head. When Anna tries to solve the murder she is distracted by love that might be fatal to her. Anna finds out about the murder and what has happened, for the most part, and is on a thin line of death. Anna will be lucky if she survives.
When I was reading the book I could visualize almost everything that happened. “When I glanced up at her, her eyes were darting around the room as if insects were popping out of the kitchen walls and she was trying to count them.” (page 18).I love the figurative language that she used to make the book more interesting, and I felt as if I was a character in the book. I would highly recommend this book for ages 10 and up.  It is an amazing, fun, adventurous book.

Reviewed by Kaylin 7th Grade