Monday, January 24, 2011

And the Journey Begins...

As a librarian, it's my job (and my favorite thing) to find ways to get kids to read.  Sometimes, it's like pulling teeth - some kids just don't like to read.  However, with some kids, they are ready and excited to read.  Recently, we started a book club at our school, and a group of excited, dedicated kids have emerged!  They're so energetic and excited that we decided to start a blog that will contain our book reviews.  To be honest, we're stealing the idea from Di Herald and her Genrefluent Teen Talk page.

Here's how it will work.  The kids will read book and write reviews on those books.  We'll edit the reviews and then post them to the blog.  If you like their posts, please please comment on them.  We're hoping to encourage others to read by sharing our experiences with books - new and old.

Thanks for joining us!
The Timberwolf Library Book Club