Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau

The City of Ember
Jeanne DuPrau
The first book of the series this is the book for you! This book is filled with adventures, mystery, and action. Doon Harrow and Lena Mayfleet live in an underground city called the City Of Ember and they have to save the citizens of Ember from terrible black outs that are getting worse every day. One day Lena finds a box and in this box is what’s left of some paper with what looks like on it.  By this time the black outs are getting worse and the City of Ember is the only light in a dark world. So with the help of Doon Harrow, Lena can save everyone from dwindling supplies, black outs and a traitor, and all this is happening because of a mysterious box with 0-0-0 on the front.
10 out of 10 – full of action and mystery.

Review by Michael 8th Grade